Hurricane season

Written by Dr. Dolittle on September 11, 2008 – 1:41 am -

Seems I went from Christmas to hurricanes here with lots of lost space between. Since the last post another cat has made his home here. He appears to be an older cat that doesn’t bother with the other 3 outside cats at all. As long as Buddy has feed and a little scratching, he’s quite content. The other cats don’t bother with him as long as they get their fair share of the goods.

Speaking of hurricanes, we are now waiting for Ike to come to town. Gustav missed us but blessed us with a little rain. For this time of year the grass is still green and the temperature has dropped from its normal hot hot. Taking walks to view what nature displays is a pleasure. Anoles, butterfly moths, hummingbirds and all sorts of critters grab my attention. I stand amazed at all the variety and beauty of God’s creation.

If you haven’t taken time to smell a flower, watch a spider build a web, really take notice of the unrivaled beauty of a butterfly and so much more in the world, you need to slow down, you’re missing some serious eye candy.

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