Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
One of my favorites..
Written by Dr. Dolittle on July 10, 2009 – 6:16 pm -Hummingbird moths are wonderful critters. I chased this guy around for days, trying to get a really good picture of him. Since they don’t stay still much and this one only showed up at dusk, trying to capture him in a photo quickly became a comedy. All considered, I think he’s a handsome fella. They act so much like hummingbirds my first reaction to him was I was watching a wounded hummer. Happily, I was wrong.
Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »Baby Chicks
Written by Dr. Dolittle on July 6, 2009 – 3:01 pm -Just hatched chicks are so much fun to watch. They question everything with their pecking and scratching, even each other. This new world they find themselves in is full of mystery. Watching them find their way can be quite amusing.
Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »Always at the ready..
Written by Dr. Dolittle on May 19, 2009 – 2:02 pm -Everywhere I look there are camera possibilities. This pair appeared to want the same thing at the same time. Looks like they are pals and just might share.
Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »In memory of Doc
Written by Dr. Dolittle on May 6, 2009 – 12:25 pm -Rabbits aren’t known for their people skills, but Doc was the exception. She rode in a bicycle basket with ease, dressed in the latest doll fashion and thought people were her extended family. Her breeding is Holland Lop, and she was a fantastic little bunny. But age marches on, even for cute little rabbits.

Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »Momma Bluebird
Written by Dr. Dolittle on May 5, 2009 – 2:16 pm -Now we have babies to feed.
Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »Bluebird at the ready
Written by Dr. Dolittle on May 4, 2009 – 3:26 pm -This little momma bluebird is waiting for me to back up so she can finish building her nest. She and daddy bluebird have been using the same coffee can for nesting for a couple of years now, so they know it belongs to them if they can just keep the nosy camera carrying neighbors away.
Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »Still working on it….
Written by Dr. Dolittle on May 1, 2009 – 1:23 pm -
Rascal and Teddy cuddling
I’m kinda new at this stuff and I’m still working on how to do things. Let’s see if some of our critters show up in a photo.
This is Rascal loving Teddy. The cat looks like he’d rather be any place else.
Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »Hurricane season
Written by Dr. Dolittle on September 11, 2008 – 1:41 am -Seems I went from Christmas to hurricanes here with lots of lost space between. Since the last post another cat has made his home here. He appears to be an older cat that doesn’t bother with the other 3 outside cats at all. As long as Buddy has feed and a little scratching, he’s quite content. The other cats don’t bother with him as long as they get their fair share of the goods.
Speaking of hurricanes, we are now waiting for Ike to come to town. Gustav missed us but blessed us with a little rain. For this time of year the grass is still green and the temperature has dropped from its normal hot hot. Taking walks to view what nature displays is a pleasure. Anoles, butterfly moths, hummingbirds and all sorts of critters grab my attention. I stand amazed at all the variety and beauty of God’s creation.
If you haven’t taken time to smell a flower, watch a spider build a web, really take notice of the unrivaled beauty of a butterfly and so much more in the world, you need to slow down, you’re missing some serious eye candy.
Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »Texas Weather
Written by Dr. Dolittle on January 12, 2008 – 3:21 am -January in Texas. Air conditioning one day, heat lamps on the water pipes to keep them from freezing the next day. Colds, sniffles, sneezing and heavy coats to short sleeves. But we don’t shovel snow.
The cows got their monthly dose of molasses tubs. All the girls are due to calve in the next two to three months so they get extra minerals to keep them healthy. They get real excited when we give them something extra. For a bunch of pregnant cows they romped, kicked and jumped like kids on the lsat day of school.
Ted E. Bear is the new kid on the block. I call him the cat of my old age. He stays in the house unlike his three outside brethren. He wasn’t even weaned when he stuck to my coat one day. We had stopped at a house to ask if the people knew someone we were looking for. The lady there was hoping we had stopped to take one of her kittens. I was in the truck until kittens started running around. All I could hear is, “Stay in the truck!” Of course I didn’t, and this cute little kitten stuck to my coat. I tried to shake him off but of he just wouldn’t come loose. Now his best friend is Rascal, the family Blue Heeler watch dog.
Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »Hello world!
Written by admin on December 8, 2007 – 5:19 pm -Dr. Dolittle was known to talk to the animals. I don’t claim they talk to me, but I sure talk to them. Critters are God’s stress relievers, and in kind, we’re their care-takers. Welcome to my world. I hope to share a smile, maybe some wisdom and lots of photos.
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